Monday, 21 January 2013

School visits in Chennai.

Great day in Chennai!

Our delegation of Dr. Singh, PDP India Co-ordinator, Tamil Nadu State Federation President, Treasurer and Administrator, Ian and Laurel were welcomed at Singaram Pillay Primary School  with flower leis, shawls, tea and an apple presented by a student .  

What followed was a magical tour of classrooms with beautiful children wanting to read stories in English, sing songs in Tamil, and demonstrate their math skills at the chalkboard.  In one class we were offered the opportunity to look into one student’s notebook  followed quickly by 39 other little notebooks and handshakes for all. 

The girls' side of the classroom.

The boys' side of the classroom.

Demonstrating her three digit subtraction skills.

An art display was set up for our enjoyment.  Some great artists!!

We had the opportunity to see dedicated teachers doing all the things we do back home – differentiation, creating materials, integrating curriculum and creating classroom culture that is supportive and engaging.  Both schools are state funded and in lower socio-economic areas of Chennai.  It was stated that many of their parents have not had schooling and are not able to help with school work at home.  As one teacher commented, “We do it all”.  Attendance is near 100%.  Class size is approximately 40.

At our next stop, Corporation Primary School, we were showered with rose petals as we were greeted by six students who presented us each with a rose.  
Rose petal throwers.

Rose petal throwers.

Classroom visits and conversations with teachers about teaching conditions were followed by a meeting with the entire staff, Ian and Laurel bringing greetings from Canada, and a group photo – kind of like school picture day!

Dr. Singh having students demonstrate their math skills.

The school makes many things out of recycled objects.
This fish is made of pencil sharpener shavings - incredibly creative!

The school pincipal is sitting to Ian's left.

The day confirmed the dedication of teachers and their passion for their students.  At Corporation Primary School they indicated that the water for the students was filtered and purified.  The comment from the teacher was that everything is important because they are precious gifts.

This picture is the view from our hotel.  We’re in a rainforest in the a quieter part of town.  Yes, Tish and Murray - we moved hotels.

Tomorrow, we start the Professional Development Program with state level leaders from Southern India.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Krips. I am proud alumni of that school. where i learnt values of the life by the affectionate teachers.
