Friday, 18 January 2013

MJ and boys go home and Laurel Arrives!!

MJ and the boys flew back to Canada on January 16th and Laurel arrived on the 17th in the middle of the night.  Dr. Singh and co. had difficulty spotting her because they thought I said she was 5' 6"- perhaps they think all Canadian women are Tish's size!

After a quick rest, it was time for Laurel to do some power shopping.  We went to the state emporiums and to cottage arts.  Laurel managed to drop a few dollars that day!

Today, we met with Dr. Singh and Eswaran and discussed the upcoming program.  We had a long chat about unions, teacher salaries, and professionalism.  They are facing many of the same issues regarding marginalization of teachers in the collective bargaining process.  Indian teachers are fighting to keep up with inflation rates of approximately 20% - imagine indexing pensions at that rate!

The AIPTF building has a newly renovated board room.  It is much brighter and now has an LCD projector and unique lighting - something we've never seen before.  It has a special feature that Pam would really appreciate!!  More on that when we get home . . .

After our meeting, we were off to buy some cell phone minutes in the market.

Tomorrow, we're off to Chennai to start our first week of programming.

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